=========== Application ==============
Character Name: Hellius
Class/Level: Warrior 100 ilvl 689
Armory Link:
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/k ... ius/simple
(Replace the ' with a %27)
A Short Life Story:
My name is Jordan Potter I am an Avionics Technician in the RAAF. I am applying for this
guild for a chance to get to know others who enjoy the game as I do and to hopefully
raid in a more organised environment.
I have posted all over the country and look forward to meeting and raiding with you all.
Alts: Worgen Hunter 100
Undead Warlock 100
Dranei Paladin 92
Pandaren Monk 95
Orc Rogue 90
and some other getting started toons.
Raiding Spec: Fury
Raiding Gear summary + upgrade intentions: I am ilvl 689 and would love to eventually progress all the way through
Hellfire Citadel
Raiding Experience: Downed Hellfire assault and Iron Reaver in Normal, Know Killrog fight but am still yet to down him.
Last Raid Boss Kill: Iron Reaver Normal
My History: Mostly I have just guilded up with friends who didn't raid, but after my luck with LFG I am ready to
try for a more scheduled approach.
Current Guild: Must Be This Tall to Raid
Reason for leaving current guild: Naming aside this guild does not raid, which is why I am leaving
Previous guilds: The above guild is the only one I have been in and I joined with a bunch of mated from work.
The People I know: None I am new
References from Fey Mercurial: Thumpet is the member I spoke too about joining your guild.
References from outside Fey Mercurial:
The Random Space:
Thoughts & Feelings about the Guild Charter.
Guild Application
Moderator: The Council
Forum rules
We have have 2 scheduled raid days: Thu, Sun. Thursday is a legacy raid unless we get a couple tanks and enough healers to do a normal raid.
Raids tend to run from 7:30pm to 10:30pm, with invites starting 15min before raid.
Currently looking for all roles
We have have 2 scheduled raid days: Thu, Sun. Thursday is a legacy raid unless we get a couple tanks and enough healers to do a normal raid.
Raids tend to run from 7:30pm to 10:30pm, with invites starting 15min before raid.
Currently looking for all roles
Re: Guild Application
Hi Hellius. Thanks for the application. An officer will be in touch soon
Re: Guild Application
Welcome to the Guild